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Webinar wrapup: Create a path to leadership
Over the course of this discussion, Brian Alvo and Karne Weeks explored opportunities that leaders have to create conversations around career development, as well as why that matters and how to do it.
How Recognizing Different Perspectives Can Drive Organizational Success
It’s not surprising that we each like our own way. It's comfortable for us. It's how we prefer to do things. And because it's comfortable and has “worked” for us, we develop this mindset that our way is most effective overall.
3 questions from Hanna Hasl-Kelchner of Business Confidential Now
I joined Hanna Hasl-Kelchner on her podcast, Business Confidential Now. We had a great conversation, and there were three questions in particular that Hanna asked of me that resonated closely with what we talk about in our program.
People can(‘t) be replaced
As I continue to dive more deeply into the field of professional development, I hear more and more stories about the lack of appreciation in the workplace.
What can I do to help you be successful?
In over ten years of experience, I’m pretty sure nobody asked me this question (at least not very often). And it’s the one I most fervently wish I’d been asked.
The truth about priorities: “Have to” vs. “Want to”
I’m too busy. I don’t have enough time. I feel like I’m always behind. I’m stretched too thin.
Translation: I need help prioritizing more effectively.